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Our Story

Fellowship Baptist Church formerly known as Grace Bible Church, humbly began in 1957 with a few families meeting in a home. The Lord blessed and the church saw much growth and they were able to purchase the property, where we are now located, and expand it. We praise the Lord for his goodness and faithfulness over the years and are thankful He continues to allow us to be a light in our community.


Pastor Randy & Vickie Raynes

     Randy Raynes was born in Cheverly, Maryland and grew up in a small town in Indiana. August 1974 was a turning point in his' life. While attending a week of camp at the Bill Rice Ranch, he trusted Jesus Christ as his personal Savour and surrendered to preach. He attended Hyles - Anderson College and graduated with a Bachelors's degree in Pastoral Theology. After graduation, he went to be an assistant pastor in a church in Ohio. It was here that he met his wife and they were married. He pastored and served in various churches throughout North Carolina, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio until the Lord called him and his' family to Mansfield, Ohio where he has pastored Fellowship Baptist Church for twenty years. Pastor Raynes has a passion for the ministry and the people here in Mansfield and wants to see the Lord do great work that impacts the city and influences the world. He also has a passion to help others through writing; authoring 7 books on different topics. The Raynes has been blessed with four children and are grandparents to six grandkids.

Our Values


Our faith is built on God, the one who never wearies or changes, and provides a firm foundation for which to stand on. which is good news especially while living in a world that is constantly changing and uncertain. God has also blessed us with his inspired, infallible Word, the Bible, as our guide to help us understand who God is, who we are, the purpose of life and how we are to live. 


The church is a family, though each individual comes from different backgrounds and circumstances, we share a common bond through our relationship with God through Christ and our calling as a church to proclaim Christ. We encourage one another, pray for one another, look out for one another, and work together to share the gospel.


God has given us the responsibility to preach the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ offering salvation for all mankind, to baptize and teach and help new believers grow.

Core Beliefs

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